The Board is pleased to announce that it has transitioned from a Microsoft Access Database to a new online cloud-based portal system. You can now log into your portal account and update and manage all your information with the Board, including submitting your annual renewal application and payment. The Board will no longer accept paper applications and forms for renewals, address changes, chiropractic assistant registrations, and preceptorship applications. You are encouraged to log in and familiarize yourself with the portal before submitting your annual renewal. The Board has also added several online resources and How To Guides to help licensees with these processes. Please read and review these guides to help you transition smoothly to the portal system.
You must use your portal account to perform any transactions with the Board. The Board has set up your account using the latest email address on our records. An email with your Portal Access Credentials and instructions on how to log in to the licensure portal link will be sent to you by the Board. If you don't receive this email, please contact the Board at [email protected] with the subject line: Thentia Portal Access Update. Remember to provide your full name, license number, and primary email address for the account.
As the Board moves to the portal, email will be the primary mode of communication. The email on file with the Board must be your primary account. Also, since your portal account holds your personal information and is directly linked to your licensure profile, please do not share portal access with anyone.
You must use your portal account to submit your renewal application as a licensee. We encourage you to log in to your account, register your Continuing Education courses, and verify and update your contact and employment information. Doing so can ensure that your renewal is processed promptly. As part of the renewal process moving forward, you must upload your CE Certificates with your renewal application. The Board will no longer accept paper or pdf applications.
All communication and status updates regarding your renewal will be conducted through your portal account.
License expiration dates for Chiropractic Physicians will be changing as per SB 1726. Instead of expiring on December 31st, licenses will expire on the last day of the licensee's birth month. All current licenses will expire on December 31, 2023; therefore, all licensees must renew their licenses for 2024. During the renewal period from October to December 31, 2023, the Board will extend licenses into 2025 once renewed and required payment is received. The expiration date for renewals starting in 2025 will be shifted to the last day of the birth month.
For the 2024 Renewal Year (January 1, 2024 - December 31, 2024), each licensee must renew their license on or before December 31, 2023, for the 2024 Renewal Year. After renewal and payment, the license will be extended to the new expiration date in 2025. In addition to the required $225.00 renewal fee, each licensee must submit a license extension payment ($18.75 per month) to extend their license to the new expiration date. For instance, if a licensee's date of birth is April 17th, their new expiration date will be April 30, 2025. The total payment due for their renewal will be $300.00 ($225.00 + $75.00 ($18.75 X 4 = $75.00)).
Please note that to renew your license, you must submit a complete renewal application along with the renewal fee and extension fee. If you fail to provide these fees before December 31st, your license will be placed on Administrative Suspension. In such a case, you must pay the renewal and extension fees and a $200 reinstatement fee.